

Every once in a while, I come across a quote that hits home, like this one by Tony Evans…

“Those who leave everything in God’s hand eventually see God’s hand in everything.”

Before I knew the Lord I believed in luck, karma, and coincidences but not anymore. Once I gave my life to Christ, I began to see him in everything.

The story of Damar Hamlin is a perfect example—here’s my take on it…

I’m not a big football fan, but when the Buffalo Bill’s defensive back, Damar Hamlin, collapsed on the field, it got my attention. It was horrible. A talented athlete just 24 years old lying unconscious on the field. I wasn’t there, but I imagine you could have heard a pin drop as the crowd stood in silence waiting to see if Damar was going to be ok. Damar was in cardiac arrest when they began doing CPR. They were able to revive him, thank God, but his condition was critical. No one knew if he was going to make it.

As Damar left on a stretcher, the camera captured the emotions on the field—I saw players wiping their tears away with shock and disbelief on their faces. I felt my own tears come as I watched some of Damar’s teammates gather with eyes closed, and heads bowed in prayer.

I thought to myself—keep praying, gentlemen. God is with you.

Everyone was so excited for that football game, and in one split second nobody cared about the game anymore. The world watched a young man go down and wondered if he would live to see another day—at that moment, his life was all that mattered. I have a feeling prayers came rushing up to heaven like a tidal wave. I bet non-believers were praying, too.

I watched as American football analyst Dan Orlovsky, prayed for Damar Hamlin on a live ESPN broadcast. That was the best thing I’ve seen on television in a long, long time. Good for you, Mr. Orlovsky.

There was a stirring in my heart as Damar’s story hit the headlines and traveled across all the social media platforms—everyone was talking about it. I had a feeling God was going to use the opportunity to reveal his goodness in big ways. You see, God created us in his own image, so when we’re faced with tragedy or feeling desperate, we instinctively start to pray—even if we don’t know who God is.

Good news came fast– Damar was getting better.

In a collective sigh, the world rejoiced and thanked God. I know I did.

Lives would be forever changed; I could feel it.

A week later in the first game since the accident, with Damar and probably millions of people watching, the Bill’s scored a touchdown on the first kick return.

From what I understand, that NEVER happens.

And then another score on a kick return.

Fans stood and cheered when the Bill’s won.

I don’t even like football, and I cheered, too!

In an interview after the game, Buffalo Bill’s Quarterback, Josh Allen, in a voice thick with emotion, declared that “God is real.”  Josh said that the events following Damar’s accident led him to a spiritual awakening; something he’d never experienced before.

Again, I’m thinking…God bless you, young man. Keep telling everyone God is real. Use your platform for his glory!

Listen, life is hard and dreadful things happen to good people all the time. There is tragedy, heartbreak, fighting, and much suffering in this fallen world. There is evil that wants us to be anxious, depressed, bitter, and divided, but then something like this happens and suddenly, in a beautiful display of God’s love, the world comes together for the life of a football player.

Our heavenly Father, the One who makes the darkness tremble, the One who heals, provides, protects, and saves, wants us to seek him, so much so, that he works miracles on live television for the world to see. Time, and time again, God shows us his power and grace. I love when he does that.

I hope Damar, Josh, and all the players that felt God’s healing power use every opportunity they have to tell the world who God is, and I hope they’re loud about it—really loud.

And for the record, I could not care less about football but I’m rooting for Buffalo. You bet I am.

I’ll leave you with these scriptures—I hope you will read them and let the words saturate your heart. I pray you take notice of how God is working all around you. Believe it and you will see it. I promise you will.

Ecclesiastes 3:11 “Yet God has made everything beautiful for its own time. He has planted eternity in the human heart, but even so, people cannot see the whole scope of God’s work from beginning to end.”

Romans 8:28 “And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.”

Romans 2:4 “Don’t you see how wonderfully kind, tolerant, and patient God is with you? Does this mean nothing to you? Can’t you see his kindness is intended to turn you from your sin?”

(NLT Version)

Editors PicksKathryn Inman