Say Hello


Most days when I walk the trail by our house my vibe is clear— I have my dark sunglasses on, ball cap pulled down low, earbuds tucked in my ears with music playing. One look at me and you’ll know I’m not trying to make any new friends. It’s not that I don’t love people, I do love people. I really do, but I’m an introvert, and sometimes socializing zaps my energy.

This particular morning before walking the trail, I prayed, and as I gathered my things, something in my spirit told me to leave my sunglasses and earbuds at home—I think God was nudging me to try something different. As soon as my feet hit the pavement, I decided I was going to intentionally look into the eyes of each person I passed on the trail. I would do my best to smile, say hello, and maybe even chat with some folks. This was a big commitment for me because the trail is typically full of people—people I often ignore.

The usual hour and ten-minute walk took longer this time, but it was worth it because I actually did it. I made eye contact, smiled, and said hello to each person I passed, and do you know what?

They smiled back.

Every single one of them.

Including the young momma with a sweet baby strapped to her chest, and two little ones sitting in the stroller she was pushing as she jogged along the trail. She smiled as the sweat dripped off her chin, her voice unexpectedly joyful as she wished me a lovely day. I suddenly felt proud of her which is a bit silly because she’s a total stranger, but I was overcome by her presence—she was radiant! She gave me hope for those precious babes she had with her. Keep going, beautiful momma. You’re doing great!

And the young man on the park bench that looked pale and anxious—like he was kicking dope. We met eyes and he quickly looked away until I yelled “Hey, good morning!” He glanced back in my direction and gave me a quick nod and what looked like a half smile. It wasn’t much, but it was something. I gulped down some air and held back the tears that threatened to spill from my eyes, but I didn’t look away. I watched him as I prayed that God would rescue and free him from his suffering. Please, oh God, have mercy!

I thought for sure the kid that came barreling down the hill on his skateboard wouldn’t respond, but he did. He waved when I said hello and flashed a brilliant smile. I’m not sure how he noticed me with that wild heap of deep brown curls bouncing around in front of his eyes, but I’m so glad he took the time. I thought to myself, that kid is going to grow up to be a good man someday and it made me smile.

Towards the end of the trail, I came across an elderly couple holding hands and walking as slowly as rush hour traffic on a Friday evening. Each step barely moved them forward, but they were giving it all they had and seemed to be enjoying themselves. I matched their pace as we passed each other and exchanged pleasantries. Their smiles and kind words made me feel like we were family. They genuinely seemed happy to see me! I watched the way their hands were intertwined, never breaking apart, and how they leaned on each other as they walked. It was the sweetest display of love and tenderness I have seen in a long, long while. I prayed that God would bless them with many more wonderful days together.

At this point I was getting close to home and feeling quite pleased with myself. My mood was light and carefree, so much so, that I turned on the music from my phone and let it blast. I began to dance and sway to the beat as I walked. Shoulders back, head high, feeling on top of the world. I almost forgot I was out in public! Then, from out of nowhere, a big guy with a shaved head and an impressive black beard swooshed by me on his bicycle. I felt the heat of embarrassment rise to my face and immediately turned off the music, hoping he didn’t see me dancing like a fool out here on the trail. Just when I thought I was in the clear, he stopped at the crosswalk where I was headed, and looked back in my direction…

“Why’d you stop?”

Despite his tough-looking appearance he had a warm smile and an easy way about him.

“Stop what? Oh, you mean dancing?”

“Ya, the dancing.”

“Because I was embarrassed! I usually make sure no one is around before I start dancing in public.”

We were both laughing at this point.

His eyes shifted from mine back to his bike as he adjusted his feet on the pedals, straightened his sunglasses, and headed back on the trail. His voice was booming with encouragement as he yelled over his shoulder…

“Don’t stop next time. Let people see your light. You looked like you were ready to go salsa dancing. Ha! Keep going! The world needs light!”

I stood there watching him as he pedaled away, leaving me to my thoughts.

Good thoughts.

Happy thoughts.

Encouraging thoughts.

The kind stranger was long gone, but I thanked him out loud anyway, and then I sashayed the rest of the way home like a supermodel on a New York City runway. Oh yes I did!

Moral of the story? When God gives you a nudge, follow it and watch how He blesses you. Also, be like the bearded guy on the bike and encourage others whenever you get the chance; your words can make a difference!